Looking Back on the Last 9 Months!


These last nine months have flown and crawled by!

It hasn’t been always been easy but thankfully it really hasn’t been too difficult. And I truly attribute it to taking care of my body through nutrition, fitness and positive thoughts. The insomnia, winded workouts, sober vacations, body changing without control, cravings, emotions running wild, etc. could have really caused me to feel down and out. Sometimes it did, especially in the beginning. But during those times (and with help from my friends) I reminded myself that this is a beautiful moment in time that must be embraced and cherished. I reminded myself that not only is it “ok” to slow down and take care of me, but it’s required.

I wasn’t always as obedient with healthy eating as I said I would be prior to becoming pregnant. The cravings are real and when your unable to eat, drink and do the things you’d like to do, sometimes the best comfort is found in sweets. I allowed myself to be ok with that. I tried my best to choose the “cleanest” sweets and desserts, to not over indulge and definitely not to feel guilty or beat myself up for doing it. 

I allowed myself rest days from the gym when needed, treated myself to massages and baths, but also forced myself to move my body and stay committed to a fitness program even when I didn’t always want to.

As uncomfortable as I felt, I told myself “as long as you're able to do it, just do it.”

It really got me through everyday. I laced up my shoes and got to it. I haven’t ran much at all over the past 9 months because of being winded, constant feeling of needing to pee and just felt it was too much pressure on my body; but I walked a ton! My goal was at least 2-4 miles a day. I also signed up for fitness classes, made workout dates with friends, whatever would help hold me accountable and make it as enjoyable as possible.

Many people have said to me during my pregnancy, “You make it look easy, you never complain.” And I’d answer with, “Well I could complain but no one wants to hear it and we all have something to complain about, pregnant or not.” On one hand, thankfully I haven't had any sickness, scares, issues or complications that some people unfortunately have to deal with. But also, I feel like a huge part of it is mindset. If you go in thinking about how terrible and miserable your going to feel, then you are, for sure, going to feel that way. If you constantly focus on the negatives, those negatives with magnify. But if you focus on the positives and think about how amazing life will be once you meet your little baby, it really will make a huge difference. It’s a temporary moment that will pass and years down the line, chances are, you’re going to look back and miss that feeling of your baby inside your belly and miss the quiet and alone times you had to yourself.

So tomorrow is the big day! 

We get to meet our little boy! I couldn’t be more excited and can’t wait to see what life will have in store for our new family. I’ve read endless amounts of books, blogs, articles and done as much preparing as I possibly could. However, I know we will still feel so unprepared for what we’re about to go through. I look forward to all the laughs and amazing memories we’re going to create and I pray that our love and hard work will get us through all the difficult times that will come our way. 

Thank you for following along my journey and supporting me through it all. I'm looking forward to introducing Baby Mehr and bringing you more fitness and nutrition motivation in the days to come!

xo Kayla